
Lewis Ash
Chair of Governors

Margaret Hart
Is- Gadeirydd
Vice Chair

Sioned Morris
Pennaeth Dros Dro
Acting Headteacher

Nia Turner
Athro Llywodraethwr
Teacher Governor

Beth Evans
Llywodraethwr Staff
Staff Governor

Adam Burgess
Llywodraethwr Gymuned
Community Governor

Natalie Jones
Rhiant Llywodraethwr
Parent Governor

Pen Davies
Llywodraethwyr Awdurdod Leol
Local Authority Governor

Dylan Wyn Jones
Rhiant Llywodraethwr
Parent Governor

Phillip Roberts
Llywodraethwyr A.L.
Local Authority Governor

Sandra Bailey
Llywodraethwr Gymuned
Community Governor

Ann Klages
Clerc y Llywodraethwyr
Clerk to the Governors